Keri Squash

Servings : 6-7 big sauce bottles

Time : 1 hr

Ingredients :

  1. Raw Mango/ Keri/Kacchha Aam juice : 1 kg
  2. Mint juice : 125 gm
  3. Green Grapes juice : 250 gm
  4. Anar juice : 250 gm
  5. Sugar : 1 1/2 kg
  6. Citric acid : 1/2 tsp
  7. Cumin seeds powder : 20 gm
  8. Black Pepper powder : 20 gm
  9. Salt : 20 gm
  10. Water : 700 gm
  11. Green Colour : 1 tbsp


  1. Boil water add sugar in it.
  2. Make sugar syrup of it.
  3. Add citric acid and foam will come on top of the syrup.Remove the foams.
  4. Add cumin powder, salt and black pepper powder.
  5. Boil it for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Add all the juices one by one in the sugar syrup.Always first add raw mango juice.
  7. Boil it for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Keep it for cooling.
  9. Add green colour in it.
  10. Fill this squash in dry bottles.

Note :

For Keri juice, Peal it and cut it into cubes and make paste of it.Stain the paste,use the juice for squash and can cook the veg with the leftover.

If you have colour in powder form, then dissolve it in water and then add to the squash.

If you dont have citric acid,use lemon juice.